Entender la guerra en Ucrania 2022. Bases de la politica exterior de Rusia.
El cambio cultual preocupa al gobierno ruso más que el escudo antimisiles en puertas, pues la “occidentalización” del sistema de valores podría producir rupturas con los modelos tradicionales de gobierno, profundizar las crisis de legitimidad y en consecuencia crear formatos sociales que, fortalecidos, estarían en capacidad de lograr cambios el sistema político … s difícil […]
Alex Saab Delincuente Internacional
En el año 2014 el entonces primer ministro de Antigua y Barbuda, Gaston Browne, confirió autoridad como diplomático al ciudadano colombiano Alex Saab y le expidió pasaporte con el cual viajó por distintas partes del mundo en sus actividades delictivas… s difícil escribir un artículo como el que en este caso me propongo que, aún […]
The Package.
The whole operation is based on joint services profiting from fraudulent commissions. From the scout looking for travelers by reference to the so-called “public servant” earning bucks on (SEP)… s common knowledge that every humanitarian crisis brings illicit business opportunities with it. Venezuela is no exception. Since Hugo Chavez took power in 1999, all those […]
Electoral Integrity in the United States.
To talk about Electoral Integrity in the United States takes more than goodwill, it takes a responsible and serious commitment to get to the truth, to study in depth what happened, what occurred, if it occurred how it happened… he vast majority of Latinos who migrate to the United States have a common denominator: we […]
Electoral Decalogue.
“The integrity, independence, and impartiality of those who are responsible for the preparation and execution of an electoral event must be indisputable…” ulnerability, understood as the diminished capacity to anticipate, face or resist an activity or action and Permissiveness or excessive tolerance towards inappropriate behaviors, have caused total mistrust in the electoral results in various […]
Retomar el rumbo. (Spanish)
“Álvaro Uribe afirmó: ‘las consecuencias del sistema judicial que heredamos del gobierno anterior… Ese conjunto normativo vinculado a la JEP, consagró impunidad total a atrocidades como el secuestro y violación de menores’…” o siendo suficiente con ignorar la voluntad del pueblo colombiano al desconocer premeditadamente el resultado del plebiscito, y antes de abandonar la Casa […]
The dictator’s return to Bolivia; impunity, narco-state, and repression.
“The most important event has not been the expedited swearing-in of Luis Arce as President, but the immediate return of the dictator Evo Morales to Bolivia openly flaunting the complete impunity for Morales and his dictatorial inner circle…” raudulent elections and the swearing-in of Luis Arce as President of the Plurinational State have only been […]
If you want Peace, prepare for War.
“(“Epitoma Rei Militaris”, Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus) “If you want to win the elections, get ready to face fraud”.” ccording to what happened in the United States in 1876, in a hypothetical problem in the conformation of the electoral colleges, the reelection of President Donald Trump could be left in the hands of Congress and […]
Vote by Mail vs Early Vote
“Believing that voting by mail is a right is a mistake since it is really an exception. This form of Absentee voting has its origin and foundation in the need to help those who cannot attend personally it is not to replace physical presence” stablishing vulnerability in some of the phases or in the instruments […]
American Freedom at Risk
“… A Trump second term may give the Cause of Freedom a renewed Champion that, unencumbered by election distractions, can focus, and assist in the restoration of liberty, security, and prosperity in our own Hemisphere.” eorge Floyd’s tragic death triggered an avalanche of planned political actions against the United States and President Trump in particular. […]