Eurasia Today
In the framework of the geopolitics of the 21st century. AFDES pays special attention to the Eurasian region taking into consideration three fundamental aspects: 1. Diplomatic relations in a politically polarized hemisphere, 2. The challenges of the Eurasian market with respect to China and India, and 3. The security of the region.
The extracontinental relations in our study cover two important regions for the development of the market economy and power relations, especially in South Asia and the South Caucasus.
Geopolitics and Geostrategy
In regard to the political framework, the axes of cooperation and conflict are in accordance with regional security and the national interests of the countries of this region, which helps to identify the diverse factors that put democratic stability at risk.
In the economic realm, the regional dynamics regarding superpowers and their business partners gives indications of regional challenges regarding economic expansion, territorial disputes, and maritime channels of commercial flow. In addition, political and migration crisis in the region occupy the agenda of AFDES in terms of regional security and stability.
Main challenges of Euroasia are of structural nature. Policies capable of guarantee competitiveness in the region and safeguard the relative stability which sustains the dynamics of its economy along with modern initiatives of governance and wellbeing.

Economic expansion and power in both maritime and territorial Eurasia shape the region.

We identify and study punctual geopolitical scenarios which may trigger conflicts in the region.
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