La participation politique au Venezuela, Une approche culturelle dans une période difficile (Language: French)
By Filipp R.
Nowadays, political participation in Venezuela is linked, more than ever, to proselytizing formulas, which have largely influenced the whole nation. In this article, political attitudes resulting from these dynamics are analyzed through the prism of democratic consolidation, which unveils interesting features during the period 1998 – 2008, but also in the present, highlighting quite particular characteristics of Venezuelan political culture.
Democracia o Capitalismo Chino Frente a la COVID-19 en Venezuela. (Language: Spanish)
By Gustavo A.
This essay intends, from a contextual and sociopolitical theoretical-methodological perspective, to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic in Venezuela. The origin of the new virus in Chinese culture and its subsequent world expansion in a capitalist economic system are analyzed. It is assumed that Chinese authoritarianism was efficient in establishing sanitary controls, but its communist system delayed the application of these measures…